Sunday, November 4, 2012

Skyfall - A human Bond!

Having never been a big fan of the slick suave Bond movies, Daniel Craig's entry into this 50-year old movie franchise with Casino Royale in 2006 probably changed the manner in which Bond started being portrayed. Casino Royale started with the origins of Bond, showcasing some of the reasons that broke him and remoulded him into a much tougher exterior. Quantum of Solace tried to continue in 2008 from where Casino Royale left, but it seemed to forget that what Daniel Craig did best with his Bond was show that the famed agent is human after all. And that is where, under Sam Mendes, the latest Bond movie Skyfall has returned back. A human James Bond. The fast moving cars are still there, and so are the gorgeous Bond girls. But a James Bond movie has become so much bigger than the cars and the gadgets. And while Q does make a memorable appearance in Skyfall, all he has to offer to Bond is a gun and a radio transmitter. 

Skyfall is about resurrection (what Bond calls his hobby), it is about Bond losing his touch and having to rediscover it to do what he believes in, which is protect his country. And while this movie provides a realistic and human portrayal of Bond, it would never have been complete without M, the ever graceful Judi Dench. There is a strange chemistry between the two that runs throughout the movie, filled with sardonic humour, but if you could catch the subtlety, it is more about the pride that both have for each other. An understanding that duty comes first. 

It is difficult to not admire Daniel Craig for the resurgence he has provided to the James Bond movies. While the studio and the script writers have to be given their due, Craig brings with him a strong exterior personality without going over the top. There is a calming effect about his presence, a down-to-earth approach to things that makes it all believable. At 44, Daniel Craig has put in sufficient physical effort to look right for the role (puts in two hours of workout each day of principal photography after the shooting is wrapped) and has been admired by the cast and crew for going ahead with a lot of physical stunts, bringing with it a sense of realism. While some say that it is his job, the actor's dedication to it is still commendable. A casting which was questioned when Pierce Brosnan was replaced, the decision no longer remains moot. Daniel Craig has signed up for two more Bond films, which keeps me (and surely many others) gung-ho about the Bond franchise for a few years at least. And with the success of Casino Royale and Skyfall (which has already become the highest weekend grosser in UK tipping off the last Harry Potter film), it seems that the new 007 would continue to be quick with the gun, sharp-witted with his tongue, good with the women, fast with his cars, and yet be a human underneath it all – with a subtle sense of emotion shown here and there!  

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