Thursday, December 27, 2012

Groundhog Day, Groundhog Week, Groundhog Month

Wake up at 7.30 in the morning. Leave for office at 8.30. Reach by 9.15. Do something while the hour and minute hand recreate their positions. Leave at 9.15 in the evening. Reach home by 10 at night. Wonder how the day flew by. Wake up at 7.30 in the morning again and relive another day. Or wait! Am I living the same day? Waking up to the same sound of the alarm underneath the same roof. Driving the same car along the same roads. Working in the same office and meeting the same people. The same jokes. The same lunch. The same sounds and the same smells. Am I stuck? As the day keeps repeating over and over again, for what I think is a week, then a month.  

And amidst my grumblings, this kind of life reminds me of something pleasant too. In case you haven't guessed it yet, it takes me down memory lane to the time I watched this wonderfully written and enacted comedy movie of '93 -- Groundhog Day

Bill Murray plays Phil, an obnoxious weatherman, who finds himself stuck in the same day, and do whatever he might, he keeps waking up on the Groundhog Day again and again and again. Flustered at first, his anger and frustrations keep escalating to such levels that he repeatedly tries to kill himself until he realizes that even after dying he is not spared from waking up on the same dreaded day. Things change slowly, at its own pace and rhythm. Phil improvises, learns to value people, grows, matures, falls in love. 

Groundhog Day is the kind of movie you pick up on a lean day from your old DVD collection and run through it once more, smiling along, as Phil makes one mistake after another until he starts learning from them. The movie features in numerous top comedy movie categories, rightly so and is one of those that you wouldn't wanna miss. For like me, there would be many other Phils, somehow stuck in the same routine in life, failing to differentiate one day from another, until it will eventually hit you... that the day doesn't have to change, it is you who has to! And that is how one day when you'll wake up, the sounds and the sights around you would not be the same again. Groundhog Day would have been over!

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