Saturday, April 20, 2013

A 4D release for Iron Man 3!

The way 3D is starting to take over the movie watching experience is pretty easy to observe. The big studio backed movies, especially in the summer period, release simultaneously in 3D and Imax 3D formats along with the poorer 2D versions. Not only are the studios pushing for 3D releases more often, the movies too are being shot in a manner to suit 3D viewing, with wider landscapes preferred rather than closeup shots so that the perceptions of depth can be appreciated. With growth in 3D content, we have now moved to television sets that can display 3D films as well. But the manner in which technology bursts forward, the obvious question is, what follows next? Well, 4D of course! The fourth dimension here refers to numerous physical senses being added on along with the 3D viewing. It ain't new, with specific theatres and theme parks across the world showcasing 4D content already, generally short films. But what has still remained limited, is the application of 4D in full-length feature films. Iron Man 3 has got its 4D version though!

I remember Spy Kids: All the Time in the World being promoted as a 4D film which made me rush to the theatre, certain that I would be amazed by some new technology. At the theatre, they handed me cheap looking 'scratch and sniff' cards, which was the fourth D in the 4D! A colour beeps on the screen, I'm supposed to scratch the circle having the same colour on the card and then behold, there's a new smell to tingle my senses. It was quite disappointing, to say the least. But there have been a few other feature films that have seen 4D versions in selected places across the globe, and I am assuming with more sincerity. Journey to the Centre of the Earth was amongst the first ones to be given a 4D treatment, and so was Avatar for releases in South Korea and Hong Kong, with the movie experience filled with moving seats, spraying water and smell of explosives. Now, Japan is set to experience the 4D version of Iron Man 3!  

The lucky Japanese will get the chance to watch Iron Man 3 with "tilting seats, strobe lights, bubbles, blowing wind, fog, and odors". Maybe feel they are flying across the glittery skies with Iron Man, or smell the scent of the perfume worn by Pepper Potts, or get caught in the crossfire when Iron Man goes up against Mandarin. Eh, if they are lucky, they might be provided Iron Man suits as they enter the theatres to make it a complete experience! Who knows, by Iron Man 6, that may not remain such a ludicrous thought. But for now, some steps are being taken to grow 4D viewing; and even if they are baby steps, as technology advances, there would be an era when a 4D movie each weekend would not be rare. The feel of Thor's hammer whirling close to our faces, a plunge underwater in an Avatar sequel, the sparks from two lightsabres clashing with each other.... maybe, just maybe, these would all come to life in a more dramatic fashion!  

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