Thursday, May 16, 2013

We get the original Merida back!

It's just another bizarre day. The week has gone on long enough but the weekend still seems far away. Sometimes you wish that you could simply leap over the last hurdle called Friday, but it refuses to back off. The anger has piled up enough and yet I am not turning green nor growing bigger. Two buttons did breakout but that is another matter altogether. So all I am looking for is some nice pleasant news or story to read up and feel better. Alas, on such a day you do not find any. So I'll pick up a slightly weird one, though some might find it an important one too. 

This news has been making the rounds for quite sometime. It started with Disney being a traditional Disney and not accepting the ways of the modern world. What did they do? The unthinkable, as some die-hards would say. They messed around with one of Pixar's now popular creations, Princess Merida of last year's Brave. A swashbuckling young girl who would take on a bear with her quiver of arrows and bow rather than engage in the Disney-like princess lifestyle and settle down with her Prince Charming. Pixar made it work, with Brave becoming one of the big hits of 2012. But Disney had other ideas when it came to inducting Merida in Disney's Princess Collection and maybe then selling merchandise featuring her. So they redesigned her appearance, and as some are calling it 'sexed' her up. 

As the images show, the hair was no longer ragged, the dress suited her better, the boyish enthusiasm of one with a bow and arrows was lost and a princess-like touch was introduced. It may have worked in a different era, gone maybe unnoticed for a little while. Not now. You do not challenge the feminists! The revolt started with Brenda Chapman, the director of Brave, making her views public on this remodeling, calling it "a blatantly sexist marketing move based on money." Then came in the online petitioners. Eh, you can never keep the online voices down! A petition that picked up pace rapidly with more than 200,000 people jumping aboard, made Disney realise that something was wrong. Duh!? So as various sources now point out, Disney has learnt its lesson and our beloved original Merida is back! Well, it's not that dramatic. Disney claim that the tweaked photos floating online were meant only for a few line of products and the original Merida was always the one Disney wanted. Blahh... never are people bold enough to accept their follies! But in the end, the online petitioners have made Merida proud. Way to go!

If you really want to read up on something truly more bizarre, then maybe this story on an actress suing Imdb for revealing her real age, might be the thing for you! Let the weekend come quick...

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