Friday, June 14, 2013

Schwarzenegger to be back as Terminator

I'll be back. He had promised. He always promises. And he's lived up to it. The most loved line of one of the most iconic characters in cinematic history is about to come true. Arnold Schwarzenegger recently declared in a summit in Australia that he's "happy the studios want  me to be in Terminator 5 and to star as the Terminator". That is exciting news for all Terminator fans! No matter how Schwarzenegger ages, no matter how the sci-fi landscape in cinema changes, some events just seem right. Like Schwarzenegger playing the Terminator. 

In an April Fool's Day post, we pulled a prank when talking on the directorial duties for the next Terminator movie. While that part may not be the truth (though in a weird world it might still turn out to be), many parts of that post were. "The rights to the movies had been sold off in an auction in 2011 by The Halcyon Company that filed for bankruptcy. And picked up by a relatively unknown studio, Annapurna Pictures, which is inching up now in the market having produced the popular Zero Dark Thirty. All the details of the deal have been finalized only as late as December 2012." The director is yet to be announced, though a writing team has been put in place. Schwarzenegger says that shooting is to start from January. So things are finally moving in this franchise, and better late than never as there are still loose ends to tie, to complete what James Cameron started (though he considered the first two movies to be complete in themselves), to knit together the timelines in this movie series. And hopefully this will be done with style and class, a manner befitting the Terminator of the old. Live up to the memories, Arnie!

Schwarzenegger is really making up for lost time as an actor it seems. He's also going to reprise his role as Trench in The Expendables 3. A movie where Sylvester Stallone is all set to bring in bigger and badder action stars together (the casting of this movie makes news that a superhero movie would be proud of!). There is even word out on a possible sequel to Twins. Before all this, Schwarzenegger will be seen next in Escape Plan in October of this year and then Sabotage early next year. So there is a lot of Schwarzenegger to take in. Hopefully, the man will live up to his size!   

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