Monday, March 11, 2013

The disaster of too many hangovers

Stop this hangover, is what I would like to scream! No, it ain't the hangover after having too many a drinks that I am suffering from. It is the headache that has crept into me after watching  the trailer of The Hangover Part III, stated to be and hopefully would be the last of the series. The Hangover released about four years back, won a lot of hearts, played a big role in pushing Bradley Cooper towards the A-star list, made people learn to pronounce the name of Zach Galifianakis, and emerged as one of the best R-rated comedy movies of its time. It has a wonderful 7.8 rating on Imdb and went on to make loads of money in USA and abroad. Life became wonderful for many. Amen! The problem is that once the studio sees lots of money on the floor, it starts hallucinating and sees it double and triple effortlessly. All you need to do is release the same movie again and add a 2 next to it, right? So they released The Hangover Part II and many poor blokes like me went into those dimly lit theatres expecting yet another intelligent movie filled with comic events. All the movie gave me were a few laughs scantily spread, and an annoyance on the destruction of the beauty of the first movie. The Imdb rating too fell to 6.5 for the sequel. But the problem (and not for the studios  lay that it still made money, in fact more than the first in worldwide revenues. 

So some guy at the top in the studio must have called some guy below chirping 'we want more money for I need to purchase the latest Porsche. Let's roll out another one, whether there is a script or not.' Now I am not being forced to watch this movie, so what exactly is my problem? It is two-fold. One, many years from now when someone will ask me whether or not to watch The Hangover, I will have to categorically state that watch the first one and not the others, and thus waste my time in a mundane talk where a simple nod would have sufficed. Two, and more importantly, you have robbed a spot in the prime period for movie releases, a slot in May, which could have gone to something far better and deserving. A weekend without a movie it is likely to turn out to be for me, for I have kept myself away from adding The Hangover Part III  to my watchlist.

The teaser trailer has done nothing to change my mind. Where is the hangover part? What is the plot about? Why the secrecy or is this a spy film? The jokes hardly brought a giggle out of me. The only part I liked was when they stated that this is the 'epic conclusion' to the series. Maybe the full trailer would provide some shape to the plot, if it has any. Maybe the best jokes have been hidden away for later. Maybe it would not disparage the brilliant story-telling style that the first movie explored. Maybe.. oh forget it, I for one am not keeping my fingers crossed! And no links to the trailers here. Would be better if you gave it a skip. 

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