Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Clinton at Golden Globes! OMG!

One of the highlights of the 2013 Golden Globes was of course the arrival of former US President Bill Clinton to introduce Spielberg's Lincoln. Clinton has an aura that keeps many spell bound, the standing ovation that he received at the Golden Globes a testament to this. And then of course is his mesmerizing talking style, the deft movement of the eyes, the right amount of hand gestures, filled with pauses at the appropriate moments. Here is what he said on stage at the Golden Globes:
A tough fight [pause] to push a bill through a bitterly (emphasis) divided House of Representatives. [pause] Winning it required the President to make a lot of unsavoury deals (hand gesture) [pause] that had nothing to do with the big issue. I wouldn’t know anything about that. [laughter] President Lincoln struggled to abolish slavery [pause] reminds us that enduring progress is forged in a cauldron of both (emphasis) principle and compromise . [pause] This brilliant film shows he did it and gives us hope that we can do it again. [pause] In Lincoln we see a man more interesting than the legend and a far better guide for future Presidents. Every hard fought effort to protect our Union [pause] has demanded the same same (emphasis) combination [pause] of steely resolve and necessary compromises that Lincoln mastered [pause] to preserve the Union and end slavery. We’re all here tonight (hand gesture) [pause] because he did.
Youtube video below if you want to practice this art in front of a mirror. 

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