Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Dance: Act 2

While reading this post if you come across the words Sin City which makes you look around with a frown and a quizzical look, then simply stop reading and go back to bed. In fact feel a little sorry for yourself. And if you are still reading this, at least do the right thing now and get your hands on this movie and watch it before the world ends! Sin City. Sigh. Based on he graphic novels of Frank Miller, Sin City was one of the coolest movies to hit theatres in the previous decade. Released in 2005, it managed to create something special in movie making, where brash was fun, background narrations became a heartbeat, and black & white was the new vibrant colour. The theme song by The Servant gave me goosebumps. Mickey Rourke left me with haunting and yet awe-striking images. And shades of red never looked that striking to my dazed eyes!

And with so much to talk on Sin City, for some reason one particular shot manages to stand  out in the movie; one particular image which is the first to wrap my brain whenever the words Sin City pop up. I am certain it must be true for many. The image of Jessica Alba in a cowboy hat and scanty clothes, gyrating to music in a bar twirling a rope above and around her. What made that scene so distinct? Apart from the sensuality of the dance, of course. More likely, its contrast to the violence and the gore in the movie. It brings a breather to the overall pace, a sight for sore eyes. And also because it is not what the viewer expected. Just as Bruce Willis is left perplexed in the scene, so would have been the audience. "Skinny little Nancy Callahan. She grew up. She filled out." These are the words Willis or rather his character thinks over as he watches Alba do her dance. The flowing hair (of Alba, not Willis!) would not have done much harm to the scene either. 

So with the next movie of the series, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For finally getting a release date this year, the question remained would Jessica Alba bring back her moves. And the answer has been confirmed lately to the delight of many a fans, that indeed Alba is returning as Nancy Callahan and would be 'doing a lot more dancing in this one'. Alba's been quoted as saying that it required her to train three months for this. More dancing can never be a problem, eh! Am looking forward to see the likes of Mickey Rourke and Bruce Willis reprise their roles... aahh, who am I kidding, looking forward to see Jessica Alba reprising her dance moves in this one! 

The Image

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