Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Golden Globes: The Fun Award Show

Watching the repeat telecast of The Golden Globes. And Arnie and Sly are to come up together to present an award later on! That's what the announcer just said. Interesting. Already seen Will Ferrell and Kirsten Wiig present an award in a wacky manner, acting all clueless about the nominees. Then there was big Bill, uh,  sorry, Bill Clinton introducing Lincoln movie in his mesmerizing style. Later on came Robert Pattinson who seemed genuinely lost (no awards for Twilight movies, whaaat!?) on stage. Jason Statham and JLo looked like they did not wish to leave the stage. Quentin Tarantino was going all 'Damn!' and 'Damn!' on winning his Golden Globe. Jennifer Lawrence was in a 'I beat Meryl!' mood. Anne Hathway seemed to be reading from her Oscar speech. 

All in all sounds like another fun night. And that is what Golden Globes tries to be. Successfully, I must add. With actors sitting around tables close to another, rather than in a line ready to be shot one after another, Golden Globes is said to be the 'chilled out' version of the Oscars. The award nominees are more relaxed, maybe less envy around, less of the 'Oh my god!' crying (though it still remains in abundance) with the organizers not pushing people off the stage if your 'thank the world' speech isn't completed in the prescribed time. It still carries the classy touch nonetheless. Some people like Daniel Day Lewis still look like lords of another era, in whatever kind of atmosphere they be put in. Also, the winners of the Golden Globes become one of the favourites to hold aloft the Oscars that would fall about a month later. In one category at least, that is not going to hold true this time. Ben Affleck who won the Best Director Award at the Golden Globes does not even feature in the Oscars nominees. 'Damn' - Tarantino style! Affleck is worthy of his award, and I feel good for this guy who's started getting things finally right in his career. And the way his career is moving, the Oscar may not be too far off. 

For the list of winners of the Golden Globes, follow this link.

And let's hear it once more for Ben!

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